Usage Rates & Recommendations


A concentrated liquid

Turf & Garden Pro (TGP)

Turf & Garden Pro w/ Iron (T&GPw/I)

For lawns, grasslands, sod and gardens:

Turf, lawn, or other similar areas of applications:

Hose end sprayers should apply at a rate of approximately 1 ounce (2 tablespoons) of product per gallon of water. We recommend that the quart is used to cover no more than 4,000 square feet of turf.

Hand sprayers should be mixed at the rate of 1 ounce (2 tablespoons) per gallon of water to cover no more than 150 square foot of turf.

Water after application for best results. You should get your soil wet down to 6 to 8 inches. How much water will depend on the type of soil in your yard.

If you have a sprinkler system and are using a fertigation (Injection) type unit we recommend a 4:1 mixture of Fertilizer to Turf & Garden Pro. Amount per gallon of water will depend on the number of times you sprinkle and the length of time the system runs.

Decorative and flowering plants:

Hose end sprayers should apply at a rate of approximately 2 ounces of product per gallon of water.

Hand sprayers should be mixed at the rate of 2 ounces (4 tablespoons) per gallon of water.

Wet the plants down completely letting the soil get damp to at least 6 inches.

Shrubs and Trees:

Root drench for established shrubs and trees should be applied at a rate of 3 ounces per gallon of water. For best results this should be done at the leaf drip line where the most active root systems are. Water after application for best results.

For smaller shrubs and young trees a rate of 2 ounces (4 tablespoons) per gallon of water.

As a foliar spray we recommend 1 ounce (2 tablespoons) per gallon of water or less depending on how frequently you spray. Wet the foliage to where both the top and the bottom of the leaves are wet.

Frequency of A

Turf & Garden Pro should be applied about once a month for healthy lawns and plants in the far South and from the beginning of plant growth in the spring till late fall. You cannot over apply our products and it will not harm the environment. If you have a problem area such as a bad spot, sick tree, shrub or plant Turf & Garden Pro should be applied more frequently until the problem area has improved.

TurfPro USA products cannot burn or harm your plants from over application and is totally safe to use around wildlife, pets and children.

Overall water usage may be reduced after several applications.

Fertilize using your regular program for the first 60 days after you start using T&GP. Slowly reduce the use of fertilizer to 50% of the original dosage. You can apply fertilizer in combination with T&GP if a liquid-based fertilizer. Try it on all of your plants, trees and shrubs and look for improvement. T&GP can be used as both a SOIL DRENCH and a FOLIAR SPRAY.

Look at switching to an organic fertilizing program for the health of your plants and the environment.

TurfPro USA products are not Fertilizer but a natural organic soil amendment.

Tip: Some of the golf course and professional lawn care services use the product on troubled areas at a rate of 10 to 12 oz. per 1000 sf. for short periods of time to get better results.

Using hose end sprayers to apply Turf & Garden Pro:

Hose-end sprayers come in two different styles and are generally available at any garden center.

First is the adjustable version or Dial-a-matic. This device allows the user to set the dial to the rate of flow desired. Many allow for a maximum setting of 8 ounces or more per gallon of water. We recommend using a setting of 1 or 2 ounces per gallon of water depending on what you are using it for.

The second is the fixed rate sprayer. These are normally set at 1 ounce per gallon of water.

Hand watering with T&GP:  When hand watering use 1 ounce per gallon of water. (Always be sure to shake the bottle of T&GP well before using)  If the plant is in bloom avoid spraying T&GP directly on the blooms because it can stain blooms.

This mixture can be used on all house and garden plants.  

Apply as you would normally water the plant.

Watering house plants with T&GP is highly beneficial and actually removes harmful chlorine from water where cities add it to their water systems.

Brewing Compost Tea:  Use 1 ounce for each gallon of tea you are brewing.

Seed Starter: Mix with water at 1 part T&GP  to 5 parts water. Make enough to completely cover seeds. Let sit over night before planting.

Shake container well before using    -    Staining is possible to drives and walls

Pesticides and Herbicides are harmful to your soil and should be used sparingly

TurfPro USA products will not harm wildlife, pets or children

For more information: email us at or call (407) 340-7639 or (877) 331-5077

On-line Store –  (877) 331-5077

TurfPro USA inc. All rights reserved  ©   3/2009                           (1017A)  6/3/2011

Copyright ® 2010 Organic Products Company  All rights reserved.

TurfPro USA products are the only all-in-one 100% Organic Soil Amendments, Soil Conditioners, Soil Inoculants on the market that contain: Humic Acids, Beneficial Soil Biology, Plant Available Trace Elements and Lignin in an Organic Carbon base.                                                                                                     

     (407) 340-7639                                                                                                                                                                         (877) 331-5077


All products are safe to use around children, pets and wildlife.

All Products are Ecologically Friendly and Green in Manufacture.

Made in USA